When you’re 9, entering double digits is a big deal! If you’re looking for fun-filled 10 year old boy birthday party ideas in winter that will give turning 10 the proper celebration it deserves, then read on for some brilliant ideas that boys are sure to love, whatever the winter weather is doing.
- Swimming party
- Superhero party
- Ten-pin bowling
- Nerf Wars & Laser Parties
- Activities parties
- Football party
- Video game party
- Sleepover
It’s fair to say that winter conjures up images of festive decorations, wrapping up warm, and snuggling on the sofa with a hot chocolate watching movies, but if your little boy has a birthday between October and February, the chances are they’re looking for something a bit more energetic to match the excitement that turning 10 will bring!
Bring The Fun Indoors
If planning a winter birthday party leaves you wondering where to start when it comes to hosting a group of excited, sugar-filled boys when the weather might not permit playing outdoors, it’s time to bring the fun indoors. Some well planned, jam-packed activity parties that allow them to channel all of their energy into something that they love, will mean they’re well occupied and you stay sane too!
Winter birthday parties tend to work best when you plan for them to be held indoors. This means that nobody will be cold, the weather can do what it likes without interrupting your plans, and fading light won’t be an issue in the afternoons.
Even if you don’t have the space to host the party indoors at your house, there are plenty of budget-friendly ideas that can make use of local halls and leisure facilities, or you could even ask a friend or relative if they don’t mind hosting at their house if they have a bigger space available than you do.
Read on for some of our favourite winter birthday parties for boys.
Make A Splash With A Swimming Party
Swimming parties are brilliant for water babies and a pool is also a great venue for larger groups of children to get involved. This means that they can invite their whole class for maximum birthday fun if they want to!
Some local swimming pools will even have dedicated children’s party sessions with lots of inflatable obstacles and floats which always go down well with little party-goers.
You might even know somebody with a private pool that you can make use of, but if not, it’s worth giving your local leisure centre a call to find out when their party sessions run. You can usually have the whole pool hired for your party, or you could go along to a special pool party public session where they have music playing and disco lights on the go too!
Don’t forget to check what age children are allowed to swim unaccompanied by an adult, it’s usually 8 but this can vary by pool and is worth paying attention to if you have younger siblings, friends or family members wanting to get involved too.
Don’t forget to bring snacks and birthday cake for after the session as they will burn lots of energy and work up an appetite in the water.
Need a new pair of swimming trunks? We have some great options for video game lovers here.
Assemble A Superhero Party
The popular Marvel and DC universes have brought us plenty of superheroes, so whether your lad fancies himself as The Hulk, Superman, Batman, Spiderman or someone else, what better way to get their imaginations flowing than hosting a classic superhero-themed party where everyone can dress up!
A themed party lends itself well to all the usual party games but is tweaked to showcase your chosen theme at its best. For example, bring out a superhero quiz, pass the parcel with miniature superhero figures as prizes, bunting adorned with their favourite characters and have the movie or TV theme tunes playing in the background. If superheroes aren’t their thing, you can choose any theme they like for the day from animals, football, gaming, Disney etc.
Use lighting, party bags and tasty foods themed to suit the superhero vibe to really bring it all together, and when they’re ready to crash after a long afternoon with their friends, effortlessly transition from daytime to nighttime with our brilliant superhero pyjamas that will assemble him ready for bed in no time!
Check out our Marvel and DC inspired sleepwear for 10 year old boys here.
Ten Pin Bowling Party
We wouldn’t recommend ten pin bowling for children under 10, but by ten years of age, they can start to enjoy the competitive streak of the game and keep themselves entertained whilst waiting for their turn. Whether the bumpers are on or off, they have a great time trying to score a perfect 10 on their 10th birthday.
A great way to boost the fun factor, even more, is to hire two or three lanes next to each other if you have a bigger group of friends to cater for. This will shorten wait times between their go and encourage friendly competition between the groups to see who can be the highest scorer!
Keep an eye out for special birthday party deals at your local bowling alley as you may be able to get the children fed and watered in the same venue with a party package if you don’t fancy going elsewhere after the game.
Nerf or Laser Parties
There is something about running around with a pretend gun, often in the dark and hiding from your friends, surprising your ‘enemy’ by jumping out on them unexpectedly, that takes kid party fever to the next level.
Whether you head out to a dedicated centre for laser or Nerf parties, location is key. Make sure there are plenty of places to hide and surprise their friends as they shoot to reach the dizzy heights of the top of the leaderboard.
If dedicated Nerf and laser parties are too expensive or too far away from you, this is a great one to do at home too (providing you have the space for a group of ten year olds to be running around!) You'll need plenty of ‘bases’ which would be furniture turned into forts with old sheets and pillows, and plenty of strong cardboard scenery or cutouts to hide behind. Get hold of a stash of Nerf guns and soft bullets, and let the fun begin!
This is another great winter party idea that will keep you all warm and dry without being too hot which is often the case in the summer. You might benefit from bringing a selection of snacks and party food to the venue with you if allowed, as the kids will soon work up a big appetite with all the running and adrenaline!
Activity Parties
There are plenty of great activities that 10 year olds can still enjoy inside during the winter. Think climbing walls, go-karting, indoor archery, rollerblading discos for just a few ideas! These types of activities usually require specialist supervision by a qualified instructor, so can be a little bit more expensive than other party options. They will guarantee a great birthday party that will be remembered and is a great way to get the kids trying something new that they might not have done before.
Football party
If your little boy and his friends are footy fanatics then a football party can be a great choice all year round. If it’s too cold in the winter to be on the outdoor pitches or in the park, there are lots of indoor pitches, astroturf or sports halls available that will have plenty of space for him and his friends to run around in.
Most dedicated football parties come with a host to referee the game too. This means that you can sit back and enjoy watching the fun unfold. The football host will get everybody warmed up, playing fun games and bringing things to a climax with a mini-match. There is plenty of fun to be had, even for friends who don’t have the best footwork on the pitch.
To take your football party one step further, have you seen bubble football? The bubble or zorb as it’s more commonly known is a great hit for kids and adults alike and the best thing is, absolutely no football skills are required! It’s a great way to laugh, be active and have fun with friends. You'll need to hire a local sports hall so there is enough space, as well as find a local provider to supply the bubble balls, but when it's time to kick off the fun, they will be in hysterics as they try and stay on their feet whilst bumping into their friends on the pitch!
When they’re exhausted from their day on the pitch, they’ll feel like they’ve won the premier league when getting into bed with a brand new set of football kit pyjamas!
View our huge range of football team pyjamas for boys here.
Video Game Party
If your little boy is video-game mad, an easy peasy party idea that they will love is to hold a party where their console takes centre stage! Whether it’s Roblox, Mario Kart, Fortnite, Wii Sports, Minecraft or something else that keeps them glued to the screen, a video game tournament is a great way to get all of their friends involved and is sure to create lots of fun competition and excitement.
They can either take turns, play in pairs or teams to see who is the ultimate gaming champion! Of course, prizes will be on offer and plenty of easy snacks will keep them from going hungry whilst absorbed by the fun on the screen.
What’s even better is that with this type of party, you can leave the kids to it - we’re not even sure we know how to turn the console on, but we bet every kid attending will know just what to do!
Extending The Party With A Sleepover
Whatever winter party idea that you choose, sometimes they’re just not quite ready for the fun to end when the main party activity is over. If the idea of saying goodbye to their friends is too much to handle, 10 years old birthday boys will love to host a sleepover with their friends.
After the main event, invite their friends or cousins back to yours to watch movies, eat popcorn and snuggle up in favourite pyjamas on the sofa before (hopefully) hitting the hay at a reasonable hour. If you need some additional sleepover activities to keep them occupied when you go back to your house check out our how to host a sleepover article for plenty of great ideas.
View all kids pyjamas here.
Winter Birthday Parties
There you have it, a jam-packed list of 10 year old boy birthday party ideas in winter. We hope there is something for everybody and that you’ve got plenty of new ideas for your little boy's birthday this year. All that's left to do is get planning with the kids to create a fun-filled celebration that they and their friends will never forget!
- Superhero party
- Ten-pin bowling
- Nerf Wars & Laser Parties
- Activities parties
- Football party
- Video game party
- Sleepover
Opting for a sleepover after the main activity? Or looking for a great present that perfectly matches their party theme for when they fall into bed exhausted from all the excitement? Head over to Pyjamas.com to pick out a new set of soft cotton, super snuggly pyjamas that are perfect for winter bedtimes. We have plenty of prints that little boys will love including, football, gaming, animal prints, Harry Potter, TV characters, superheroes and so much more!